Stephen graciously started this blog for us to
“host unhinged rambling” (stuxf 2024). I accept his generous
invitation and will now list a bunch of stuff that I think is annoying
in CTFs.
- Buffer overflow challenge where there’s a get_flag function
- Basic buffer overflow challenge where the only thing that’s different is the size of the buffer and the theme/message.
- Heap challenge that boils down to “replicate house of X, no changes”.
- All pwn challenges run on linux and require knowledge of GLibc internals
- More layers means more fun!!!! :( :( :(
- Intro challenge can be solved in < 1 minute with Angr
- It’s a compiled crypto challenge.
- Solved in < 20 minutes by breakpointing on read or checker function and tracing dataflow.
- Binary is written in hard-to-read language (Haskell, Rust, Go, etc.) but you never have to reverse it b/c there’s a side channel (boo hoo if you actually spent the time figuring out how it works)